Monday, May 2, 2011

Well, hello again!

I thought I might try my hand at blogging again. Maybe it's just the fact that I've had at least one adult home with me for the past month, and now I'm home by myself with little children, but I felt like getting some words out there. :)

In other news, I think I'm understanding how Wyatt is growing so much, so fast. I just finished giving him his second bottle ever (gotta get ready to go back to work in a couple weeks). I pumped off a little over 5 ozs, which he then drank 4 of! Pediatrician Blaine told me 1 mo old babies should take between 2-3 ozs. My little piggy sucked down 4 like it was nothing. So glad to have such a good eater! Let me interject here about another of my fav new baby products that supports b-feeding: the Breastflow bottle. It's the only bottle on the market that requires suction and compression, just like nursing. Plus it has an inner and outer nipple (which looks very breast-like) that simulates a letdown when he first latches on. I really feel this bottle will support b-feeding, rather than create a lazy nurser.

Off to the bills and laundry now...I'm going to attempt to post shorter, more frequent posts, rather than hour-long journal entries. We'll see how it goes...don't judge me if I fail again. :)

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