Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Potty Training: Day 1

I'll just apologize up front for the content today. Yes, I'm one of those parents who "all they ever talk about is poop, pee, feedings, and sleep!" Sorry. It's kind of all I have going on right now. :)

SO! I've been sweating it out, debating with myself about whether or not to bite the bullet and start potty training A. I'm pretty much of the mentality that you should just go for it, and no turning back! But I was terrified (silly, I know) she wouldn't do well, and I couldn't go back to diapers, so I'd be stuck in this never-neverland of continually cleaning up messes. Ugh. But I decided she really was ready, and I'd just take a big breath and go for it.

Started off the morning with the "big girl panty" speech and talked her through the "tell momma" routine. Gave her a fun, new cup so she'd drink lots and have lots of chances to go. The short version is this: she pees in her panties, I try to run her to the potty. Wipe up the pee, disinfect the floor, wash her down, new panties. "Tell Momma when you need to teetee!" Lather, rinse, repeat. Times 4. I'm getting pretty discouraged by this point. I guess no one told me the first day is just plain going to be messy! And I thought we'd have a few successes mixed in with the accidents. The good news: all 4 pees were in the kitchen! Does she know I have to clean these up?? Hmm. Thankful, either way. I finally managed to get her on the potty BEFORE she peed around 11, and I did the happy potty dance! I oo-ed and ah-ed, cheered and told her how proud I was! She looked at me nonchalantly and said "Hiney. Ah done." (Wipe my hiney. I'm through here.) A tiny ray of hope!

After lunch, we were playing a bit, and she informs me, "Poopoo!" !!!!!!!! We run to the potty, then I sit in the hallway to listen. Sure enough, she did her business in the potty after telling me she needed to!! Wahooooooooooo! I think we might be on to something! Now I REALLY did the happy potty dance! I was cheering and jumping around like a maniac! By George, I think she's got it! Once again, "Hiney. Ah done." Glad she's not getting too attached to all this praise.

Next up: naptime. Hmmm. The chick I'm reading about potty training says once you start in panties, you stay in panties. No diapers, no pull ups. They'll just "get it" at naps and bed. Um ok. Here goes. I explained about getting up out of her bed to teetee. 2 hrs into the nap, I hear her. Uh-oh. I check on her- wet bed. Bummer. Guess I can't just expect a miracle! However, the good news is, this was the last accident of the day!!

The biggest victory of the day was this: (although, let me interrupt myself- the poop was a HUGE victory!) I'm in the kitchen, she's on the other side of the counter getting a drink. I turn my back, then realize she's gone. Uh oh!! Rule number one of this potty training chick is watch your kid like a hawk! Don't leave their side, so you can catch them in the act/learn their potty cues. I hear running little footsteps, and go tearing out of the kitchen down the hall. Where do I find her? ON HER POTTY! With her panties still on. Oops. :) So I take her panties off...they're only a little wet?? She sits down and THEN lets loose with the pee! This kid. Man, she's good. Come to find out after we finished, there was a tiny little puddle in the kitchen. Wha??? She started to pee in the kitchen, stopped. Ran to the potty by herself and sat down. Stopped peeing again, till I got her panties down, then did her business! I think she's really got it!!!!!! Man, am I pumped!

Again, I took a huge breath, bit the bullet, and put her to bed in panties. I'm just anticipating a wet bed in the morning. Although, I do plan to take her to the potty when I go to bed, and when I'm up feeding Wy-Wy in the middle of the night. Here's hoping!

Above all, great cheers and accolades to my precious little, uh big, girl! She's growing up too fast! But she's kind of always been 1 going on 10. ;) And her tiny little butt looks so cute in big girl panties. :)

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