Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sixth sense.

I've come to the conclusion that children have a sixth sense. No, it's not the ability to hear you sneaking their candy on the other end of the house, nor an uncanny awareness of your potty habits in order to come join you.

They know when you close your eyes.

I don't mean blink, or shut out the world when trying to think. They know when you are attempting a nap! And what, you may ask, do they do with this information? They decide to wake up, so that you CAN'T go to sleep! HA!

Like I've been telling Blaine since Wyatt was born...good sleep is all about expectations. If you expect to get 3 hrs, and only get 1, it's devastating. If you expect to get 1 and get 2, yeehaw!! So I don't ever get my hopes up for a nap any more. I pose it to myself this way: I MAY TRY to lay down for a few minutes. (Never, ever voice the statement: I'm going to take a nap. That is like blood in the shark-infested water.) Then, if I actually do get to squeak in 30 mins of sleep, I feel like a new woman!

Here's to you momma's who have figured out how to steal a nap from under the watch of those sixth-sensed kiddos!

1 comment:

  1. You are so right. It took kid #3 for me to realize that it was the expectation of a full night's sleep that had me so determined to get it. When I gave up on that, and just expected to be awakened multiple times... it no longer bothered me. Still doesn't... I haven't had a full night's sleep since... 2006?
