Monday, September 12, 2011

Teething Bites

About a week ago, I posted on FB that Wyatt cut his first tooth. I apparently used the word "cut" loosely. It was definitely visible but I didn't realize it hadn't actually pushed through the surface fully. I thought, "cool, I have another easy teether! The teeth just show up unannounced!" That's how Audrey was. I found out yesterday/last night that's NOT how Wyatt is.

Let me preface all this by saying that Wy is normally a GREAT sleeper! 9-10 hrs at night, 2- 2 hr naps, plus usually a little 45 min catnap at the end of the day. Well, not yesterday. He had a fitful afternoon, waking up screaming from his naps, and when I tried to lay him back down, he just fussed. He's been drooling EVEN more (if that's possible....seriously I plopped his bib down after taking it off and it splashed) and pulling desperately at his mouth. I thought "poor baby, had a rough day. At least he's so tired that he'll sleep great tonight!" Wrong.

Fed him the "dream feed" at 9:15, and we got in bed by 10. 11:15 he's screaming. CAN'T be hungry, he goes 4 hrs b/t meals. So I wait a minute to see if he'll settle back down. (Side note- since he's also crawling and pulling to stand all the time, he's been doing it in his sleep and waking himself up early. He ALSO has started a snotty nose, so that's contributing to the early waking too.) Nope, screaming continues and escalates. Since this is my first time with a middle-of-the-night-screaming-teether, I threw the book at him.
1. Clean jammies. Managed to pee out the front of his diaper. Never happens. Great timing, huh?
2. Sucked out his nose. Thank you, Nosefrida Snot Sucker. [Side note: Yes, I agree the Snot Sucker is gross. THEY even call it strange on the package, which makes me laugh! Disgusting in fact. I used to marvel at people that owned one. Then I bought one and love it! Before you judge me as fanatical and distance yourself from me since I suck snot, think about how frustrating the bulb syringe is. Poor suction, too easy to jab too far up their little nose, and impossible to clean out (talk about gross!). So before your kid gets his next snotty nose, do yourself a favor and buy the Nosefrida. You won't regret it.]
3. Baby Vapo-Rub on his chest. And on his feet. [Side note again: I also admit to judging those weirdos who put vicks on their kids' feet claiming it clears a stuffy nose. Then, along with Frida's appearance, got desperate to try anything and put it on his feet under socks. Worked. Weird and unexplainable, I know, but worked.]
4. Baby Orajel- Nighttime Formula on gums. [No side note here: just did it.]
5. Infant Tyelnol. [No side note here either. Dose properly according to weight. :)]

Following this (hopefully!) magic formula, I plugged him up with his paci, gave him his lovey and rocked him. All was right again, and we both went back to bed. I, with VERY poor timing, had a bit of insomnia and wasn't able to fall back asleep until...

12:40am. When I didn't actually fall back asleep, because Wy is up screaming again. Ugh! Now I'm starting to panic. I did everything I knew to do an hour ago. Too early to have more orajel or tyelnol. Too soon for another bottle, and he didn't seem hungry anyway. So I pulled out Frida again, more vapo rub, paci, lovey, and sat down to cross my fingers and rock. Which worked! He drifted right off to sleep, and so did I since now it's 1am and I'm essentially just getting to sleep for the night.

Enter 4:30am. Screaming again. At least he can have more meds now! Frida, Vick's, Orajel, Tyelnol. I think I'll call it the "teething cocktail". And a bottle. Hated bringing the bottle in cuz I don't wanna slip back into a habit of middle-of-the-night feedings, but I'm pretty sure he was hungry since he wasn't sleeping well. Back to bed to the sound of Blaine's alarm clock. Sheesh. It's morning?!? Not for this chick. All was finally settled and we all slept till 8am, when Audrey woke up, with Wyatt a few minutes behind her.

Today is going much better. Other than being way tired, and Wy being way off schedule. But he's eating and napping fine. Hopefully tonight won't be a repeat of last night! And hopefully we won't do this with every.single.tooth! Kids get like 16 in the first yr or so, right? Hats off to you mommas of tough teethers. Hopefully I'm NOT joining your ranks!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Wy! And poor mommy. Add one more screaming wake-up in there, start your day at 5am, and you've got Zane's first year of life! Every.single.night. :) And you wonder why I was a crazy woman....
