Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"I taked a nap!"

This morning, when I told Audrey she was going to school (MDO) today, she got quite excited. She always does, and she starts telling me her plans for the day.

"I'mma eat sum gowd-fiiiiiish. See Caw-stun! See Annnnna! See Mrs. Eh-winnnnn! I'mma take uh nap, Momma."

"Oh really, you're going to take a nap?"

"Yes'sam. I'mma seep at shool."

To which I just chuckle and smile. She NEVER naps! Her teacher says she lays nice and quiet and never bothers anyone, she just never sleeps. Which is ok, because if she did sleep (like she has, um maybe 4 times??? since January) it would only be for an hour at the most. As it is, we come home and they both usually go in bed for 2-3 hrs.

The real kicker is when I pick her up I always ask her "How was your day? Did you sleep?" (just for giggles!!!!) To which she ALWAYS replies, "Yes'sam! I taked a nap!" "Really? You went to sleep!?" "Yes'sam!"

I love that 2-yr-olds exsist in reality and fantasy at the same time! What a fun age. :)

1 comment:

  1. Funny girl :)
    Zane told me some elaborate story about Matt's cousin getting a boo-boo on his leg while riding his four-wheeler. Completely pulled out of thin air. Where did he come up with that? But love to watch their imaginations grow!
