Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter music in big church!

Last Wednesday, our church choir presented an Easter program called "The Story". It was SO good!! They sang from creation, through the life of Jesus, about his death and resurrection, and about the final ending. It was really neat b/c there was a lot of audience participation. (requested, not impromptu :)) We took Audrey into big church w/ us, because she's such a good, calm girl, and because she loves music so much, we knew she'd sit through it. And she loved it!

The next morning, she was still talking about "big church." She said "Big chuuuuurch....I singed."
"You didn't sing, silly girl! Who sang?"
"De angels."
(Maybe she really did see angels, I'm not gonna count that out. But she's also 2. I'm gonna at least investigate...) "Angels? You saw angels singing? Where were they?"
"Yes'sam. Up dere."
"What were they wearing?"

Audrey thinks our choir loft is full of angels!! They really did a great job of sharing the gospel, and Audrey thought they sounded heavenly. :)

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