Monday, November 30, 2009

There went November...

I just realized I've only posted once this month. Nov. crawled and flew by...Blaine started his first month at UAMS on a general medicine ward team. It's been busy for him, a lot like July again, as far as a new hospital, new medical records, etc. He's done well of course, but the month hasn't been w/o it's stressors. I've passed the time by going on a few job interviews. I plan on giving a full update on that by the end of the week, since I'll hopefully have a definite job nailed down by then! That's been a bittersweet process. I'm looking forward to starting work in a lot of ways, but then I think about having to leave my sweet girl and it makes me sad! I should also have childcare nailed down by the end of the week, and it looks like I won't have to put her in daycare afterall. Thank the Lord for his provision there! Full update to follow on that too. :) Nov. has been kind of stressful for me too, as I've been dealing with a nursing strike. Disclaimer: if discussion about nursing disturbs you (Susan) than just scroll on down. For the past few weeks, Audrey has decided she didn't want to nurse...she'd get hungry, I'd put her up to nurse and she'd scream and pitch an angry fit. To make a long story short, I finally discovered that it was basically a supply issue. In the process of the strike, I had to give her many bottles, then I'd pump, by which I realized my supply was dwindling. The good news is after may weeks of frustration, guilt, "rejection" and many tears on both our parts, we seem to be back to normal. I started taking fenugreek a week ago. It's an herbal supplement that acts to increase your milk supply. I actually noticed an increase within about a day. I'm so glad to have things back to normal...I wasn't ready to give it up (though my frustration level nearly drove me to it!), She was only about 3 months when it started, and I was dreading having to pump and do bottles for 3 more months. So, now that it's Nov. 30th we're on to new adventures. Looking forward, Blaine starts night float (night shifts) tomorrow at UAMS. Not overly thrilled about that, but at least he gets wknds off! Again, hopefully I'll have news about job stuff soon. We're looking forward to the Christmas season and seeing all our family around Christmas. Here comes December!

1 comment:

  1. so glad fenugreek worked for you! I've heard oatmeal helps too??
